BluePrintReview: an experimental online magazine of literature & art


BluePrintReview is an experimental online magazine of literature and art.

Stories published in BluePrintReview have been included in the “best of the net online” anthology by Sundress Publications, in the Dzanc Books “Best of the Web” anthology, and in the storySouth Million Writers Top10 list. In an article about it, the literary magazine NewPages wrote:

“BluePrintReview is an online journal constructed to ease the complex and beautiful convergence of language and art and all the possibilities this entails.”

The first issue of BluePrintReview went live in May 2005. Since the beginning, BluePrintReview explores unexpected connections between texts and images from unrelated places. The first issues mainly feature poetry, flash fiction, and photography.

With a growing number issues, BluePrintReview developed a broader spectrum of formats that includes non-fiction, art, short stories, and formats that don’t fit precise categories. Edited by German author, traveller and web freelancer Dorothee Lang, BluePrintReview published 30 issues. The magazine is currently on hiatus. All 30 issues are online, an overview of them is online at the archive page of BluePrintReview.


For more about my own writing and web projects, visit the page „Indie Projects + About“, which also includes a brief bio.

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