the new normal: digital art academy, and a daily art task

May 23rd, 2020 -  It's week 10 of lockdown, with restrictions easing since this month. And it's week 5 of: art academy summer semester. Like all universities...

FKN Sommer

Seminare / Aktionen / Kunst / Künstler / Texte / Projekte Jeden Tag eine Künstlertat Marcel Mieth, Mi 10.00 für mich: daily 15-20 Minuten Aktion ...

100 Days of Exploring and Sharing – #the100dayproject

April 26th, 2020 -  The 100DayProject is a free art project that takes place online. Every spring, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100...

journey into lockdown, back to blogging, #aprillove2020, a selfquarantine exhibition + art is where...

April 12th, 2020 -  It feels like writing from another time and reality: out of a world that has changed, that is struggling with a...

subversive verses: Code 1.1 at Carbon Copy

there is ice in justice. there is row in growth. ...and there is my artwork "Code 1.1" on a gallery wall in Antwerp right now: The exhibition...

exciting news: carboncopy & patterns of power, and: novo – luck – cap(tur)e,...

It's been a while since I sent a submission to an art place. And unfortunately it's also been a while since I put a...

more and less, doing something new, library/wiki/me, and paying attention

A new year. 2019.  It started with overcast skies - no sun for 2 weeks. The world often looks like a black-white sketch right now....

Light and darkness, multicolor forest, is it free? – and back at art academy

Some highlights of the season: Light and Darkness - the online photo magazine Lenscratch invited "night" submissions. Which made me go and browse my photo files....

Zeit: summer time art academy exhibition reflection

Summer on the move: there are 2 new and interesting work projects. Parallel to that, the summer semester at art academy is reaching its...

40/100 days, a collage-portrait, looking down/up, on photography, and mixed realities

You know it's a busy time when you try to remember when you wrote you previous blog post... and have to go and check....

#The100DayProject: preparing, postcards, links, and some advice

The 100 Day Project is a free, global art project. This year, it starts at the 3rd of April. The challenge is simple and difficult:...

Panini Newsroom (Projektbetreuung)

Der offizielle Newsroom des Panini Verlags bietet einen Überblick über die aktuellsten Pressemeldungen zu den Panini Sammelkollektionen, Printprodukten und Unternehmensnews, sowie einen eigenen Bereich zu...

milestones + catchup: first art academy semester, newsroom online, dailysketches, and: back to...

The last weeks have been packed with themes and dates: both the end of the first semester at art academy was upcoming, together with...

bookart, dailysketches, oil portraits, picasso, and me in blue

It's a long grey winter here. Even the statistics confirmed it: the darkest winter since years. Things that cheer me up on grey days:...

blueprint blog: notes, photos, reflections

Below is the latest blog post. For more notes and photos, visit the blueprint blog. Weitere Notizen + Fotos gibt es im blueprint blog. *** exciting news: carboncopy...