“My stery” (Litro Photo Competition Winner)


Very happy about this tweet from Litro Magazine:

„The winner of our mystery photo comp is @DorotheeLang, with a piece of intriguing impossible architecture. “Mystery” Photo Competition Winners“

The description from Litro Magazine’s editor Emily Cleaver for the photo is so fitting: intriguing impossible architecture. And looking at the photo again, I long to explain the elements and process of “my stery”…

…but I guess that would take away the mystery of it, so I (sadly) refrain from that

Instead, here a Quote from Litro about the contest, and about photography:

„It’s arguably the case that all great photographs contain mysteries; something hidden as well as what is revealed. We asked you to send us photos on the theme of our “Mystery” issue back in March, and these are our top 10 from the entries we received. We picked Dorothee Lang’s My Stery as the winner because we loved the sense of depth in this image. It demands to be looked at, decoded, turned around like a puzzle box until we understand, but doesn’t quite give us the answer we want.“



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