#the100dayproject + Podcast talk with me


„Begin. And then keep going for 100 days.“



The 100 Day Project is a free, global art project.

The challenge is simple and difficult: choose an action you’ll do for 100 days, and then keep going. And share your piece daily on instagram with the hashtag #the100dayproject.

I am joining the project – my theme is: 100 Days of Mandalas


Das internationale 100 Day Project

Der Online-Challenge „#The100DayProject“ ist ein offenes, internationales Kunstprojekt. Ziel der Aktion ist es, sich selbst künstlerisch herauszufordern, sich ein Thema zu suchen, und dann 100 Tage lang jeden Tag kreativ zu sein  und die Ergebnisse öffentlich zu teilen, unter dem Hashtag #the100dayproject auf Instagram.

Ich nehme seit April an dem Projekt teil, mein Thema ist „Mandalas“: 100 Days of Mandalas


Podcast Talk with 100 Creatives

  • „What inspires you?“
  • „How did you get into the creative field?“
  • „How has your creative work evolved over time?“

These are just some of the topics Sally from 100 Creatives and I talked about in the 100 Creatives Podcast.

Sally lives in Australia, and as part of #the100dayproject, she launched the Podcast „100 Creatives“, and began to interview / chat with participants of the 100days about what makes them tick over the course of 100 days.

We talked across borders via Skype: Germany – New Zealand. The 100 Creative podcast episodes are available on iTunes, and on Stitcher – there’s also an accompanying page at 100Creatives with links.

Click the icon to listen to the episode:




Here are the links to my creative recommendations:



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