6.11.: Exposures, an artist/teacher talk, a library studio, and 3 questions


Exposures –

was the title of a work I saw at the photo biennale last week: a series of photos, taken at the same place and time, from different perspectives.

This weekend, I wrote a short essay about it, to present in the next photo class. „Exposures“, it feels so fitting for these days: both the simultaneous perspecitves, and the multiple meanings the word holds: disclosure, publicity, photo-creation, unfolding, risk, vulnerability, acknowledgement, manifestation…

Here are some personal exposure moments of my week:


The next of the Aquarelle sessions.
With a lot of still life practice, or rather: sketching single vegetables and fruits: „Try to paint quick, wet-in-wet, with a focus on the base forms and the light/shadow,“ our Tutor Tesfaye said. And advised: „Use the color flow of the aquarelle colors, the way they flow together and blur.

After 6 pages of vegetables, I needed a break, and tried a color flow… which turned into a landscape. Happy about this one, about the open horizon it unfolds.


Tesfaye Urgessa exhibition and artist talk

Our tutor for painting is an artist: Tesfaye Urgessa. His work is currently featured in an exhibition, and this week, I went there together with a friend. It was such a color-and-image-joy.

His work, they have almost 60 paintings and drawings there. It’s pretty amazing and unique from color and painting style, and makes you want to go and experiment with color and shapes.

This Sunday, there was an artist talk with him at the gallery. I went there, and it’s so intersting to see the two perspectives: arist/teacher.

And also the gallery, the way it changes when it is busy. There also was a thought-provoking line, the answer to the question „What is your favourite painting?“‚

„Wo ich gerade bin, DA gefällt es mir besser“
„Where I currently am,
that’s whERE I like IT more.“

It made me think of the options we have, how we sometimes treasure memories and past moments more than the present. And how the artist work is done: here, now.



The art academy has an own library, but you can’t borrow books, you go there to study them in the library. „Try the local libraries,“ they suggested. So when I was in Kirchheim (the nearby larger town), I visited the library there, to see what they have and what works for me. First I didn’t find the art books.

Well, it turned out: they have an own room for the art books with a door you can close, called “Studio”.

It’s the only room like that. And it’s all art books there, including a “how to draw / paint” section. So I went to the info, and now have a library card for there, and picked some books 🙂



In between all those happenings, a realization surfaced: that now would be a good time to put the blueprint21 page together in a new, different way. The current website was more of a portfolio page. The new one will be more about “what-is-happening-now”. It will include the weekly blog reflections, too.

I hadn’t planned it, but I guess it is no surprise that this is happening now, after starting the art academy. As if to Highlight this thought, our photo tutor came up with a photo Project for us: „Work with the 3 following questions, and give the answers in 5 photos.“
The questions are:

„Wer bin ich? / Woher komme ich? /
Warum bin ich hier?“

„Who am I? / Where do I come from? /
Why am I here?“



to return to the starting theme… here a photo of the photo experiment we did this week. It’s inspired by the photo biennale, one of the works there was a collage of photo paper that every-so-slowly changed color through the light exposure.

Following that idea, we put collages together – will be interesting to revisit them:

And an exposure quote:

Certain things you learn through exposure. It’s really the elements which make up any artist. You really learn by example. You learn by influence. And some people have a huge impact on you, and that’s how you become the artist you are. – Greg Lake


For more weekly notes, visit the blueprint blog starting page



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