100 Days of Exploring and Sharing – #the100dayproject


April 26th, 2020 – 

The 100DayProject is a free art project that takes place online.
Every spring, thousands of people all around the world commit to
100 days of exploring their creativity. The idea is simple:

choose a project,
do it every day for 100 days,
and share your process.

this is a copy / collection of my 100 days so far:

day 1
Excited about the start of #the100dayproject
My theme is exploring (online museums, art, … )
and sharing (sketches, notes, links)
– i will revive my twitter account for it.

day 2
Organizing a skype meet-up of our art group
to connect mentally while keeping a physical distance.
Grateful for the technical possibilities,
seeing each other, talk and share and discuss.

day 3
Noticing and enjoying the details of the day,
and creating a photo-based sketch.

day 4
A walk, a crossing,
the growth of an old tree
                   – an abstraction

day 5:
the last time
i‘ve been in a museum:
photo biennale, february.
Grateful i‘ve been
then, there.

day 6
assembling easter deco
and creating a colorful coronamask
wishing for balance,
for moments of inner peace
in this strange and demanding days

day 7
finally back to blogging.
it’s been too long. 

day 8
inversion /

day 9
a first time: joining a guided
virtual museum visit
with artist talk
via zoom

day 10
in the wind

day 11
glove. handschuh. gant. guanto.
and in dutch: handschoen…
which literally means „handbeauty“ in german.
ah, the touch of language

day 12
all those places
we only can go to
in memory

day 13

a walk through the April forest –
fern unrolling
a natural art performance
in very slow motion

day 14
s  o  c  i  a  l
d  i  s  t  a  n  c  i  n  g
c  h  a  l  k
a  r  t

day 15
Christo meets Campbell
(art assignment #1
pick an object
and wrap it up, Christo-style)

day 16
T is for Time…
a walk across the plaza
that leads to the closed door
of the art academy
dandelions in bloom.
week 5 of lockdown.

day 17 (Do, 23.4.)
Roehr meets Readymade

(„create a pattern piece in square shape“)

day 18
water made of water